Friday, October 24, 2014

I have a surgery date!!!!

Well, I have a surgery date.  I'm not thrilled that the date is FIVE MONTHS after the date I got cleared for surgery, but at least I have a date.  This is how it all went down....

June 23- Ortho cleared me for surgery.  I made an appointment for 8 weeks out, and the ortho told me that I would probably be calling back to cancel that appointment because I would probably have surgery before that.  I immediately called my surgeon to schedule an appointment for him to clear me.  First available appointment (I told them first available, any date any time I would make it work) was July 17.

July 17- Oral Surgeon clears me for surgery.  He tells me to go to the front desk and get my surgery date.  The ladies at the desk tell me that they have to call my insurance to get the surgery pre-certified or authorized or whatever.  I know this whole process because I'm a nurse, and I used to work in a doctor's office.  They say they will call me.

July 21-September 19- I call the surgeon's office every few days to bug them and ask them when my date is.  They refuse to give me a date and tell me to stop calling pretty much.

Sept 22 9:30 am- I go back to my orthodontist.  I actually cancelled my 8 week appt and rescheduled it for 12 weeks out.  So at this point it's been 12 weeks since he has seen me.  He thought I would have had my surgery about 4-6 weeks after the last time he saw me.  He asks me what the heck is going on and why I don't have a date.  I tell him all about the surgeon's office, and he is pretty annoyed.  He takes their phone number down and tells me he will call the surgeon himself.  I made an appointment for 6 weeks out, but he told me that I would probably have to cancel because my surgery would probably be in 2-4 weeks.  Sweet!

Sept 22 11:00 am- I get a call from my ortho telling me that he spoke to the surgeon.  He says the surgeon had no idea this was going on, and he was upset about how his staff was handling the situation.  He tells me to expect a call from them with a surgery date within a day or two.

Sept 22 11:15am- Surgeon's office calls and magically has a date for me!  The b*tch lady I always spoke to tells me that she has my date!  She acts like it's just a coincidence that she has a date the same day that I know my orthodontist called her boss.  Funny how that works out.  Anyways, she tells me my surgery date is Monday, Nov. 10th.

So, SEVEN weeks away!  Not 2.  Not 4.  SEVEN.  Still, I was happy to at least have a date. I made my appt. for my physical with my primary care doc, my appt. with the surgeon for my pre-op visit, and my appt. with my ortho to get my surgical hooks put on.  My mom requests 3 days off work to watch my kids so my husband can take care of me.

Oct 3- My surgeon's office calls again.  It's b*tch lady.  She tells me there was a "scheduling conflict" and they had to move my surgery date.  Yup.  As if this couldn't get any more annoying.  My new date is Nov. 17th.  I reschedule the rest of my doctor and ortho appointments to coordinate with my new surgery date.  My mom cancels her request off from work and changes it to the new dates.

So,  the good news is I have a date.  Hopefully it won't change again.  The bad news is, the absolute earliest that I will be able to eat solid food is December 29th.  So Thanksgiving and Christmas are really going to suck this year.  Another silver lining?  Wine is not solid food.

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