Monday, November 25, 2013

Braces are on

I went through with it.  I had my braces put on this morning.

The process was so/so.  I had to lay on the dental chair with my head back for about an hour so of course that sucked.  I kept feeling like I was choking on my saliva in the back of my throat.  Also, they used this UV light thing on each tooth and I had a spit sucker in the whole time so my tongue was super dry in there.  It felt like a little fishy that jumped out of the tank!  Anyways, after about an hour the bracket part was done so I could sit up and rinse.  Then she put on the wires, ligatures, etc.  Last thing she did was explain how to care for them and had the doc check me out.

I go back in 8 weeks for my next appointment.  My goal is to have the surgery in Oct. 2014.  They gave me an estimate of 10 months of braces prior to surgery, which would put me at the end of Sept. 2014.  It seems they are always late on those things though.  I guess we'll see.

As for the braces, they feel really weird.  Eating felt weird.  I had a big lunch (they told me too) and by dinner I was starting to hurt.  The pain is even worse now.  They are just really sore and also scraping up the insides of my gums in certain spots.  I finally caved and stopped trying to be tough girl, so I put some wax on and took 2 Advil.  I hope I can sleep tonight.  He said my peak pain would be tomorrow at around noon.  So that's always nice to look forward to.

I didn't get to go to the gym today, but I'm planning to go tomorrow morning.  I just hope I'm not in too much pain.  I'm going to my 7-year-old's school tomorrow for "Special Adult Visitor Day."  She told me she's going to tell everyone I'm her older sister since I have braces.  

Without further ado, here's my braceface.

After looking at this picture, it seems I sort of have a cross bite too?!?!

You were probably wondering if I was going to get ceramic. Shit yes I did!  They waived the extra fee since I'm in two weddings next summer :)

Here's a pic of me without my tongue pressed against my teeth.  You can see my "open bite" here.

That's how my teeth look when I bite down all the way.  There's a crack between them that makes it very hard to bite food.  

Also, I did take some before pics today so I'll post them when I have a chance!  

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