Monday, November 25, 2013

It's B Day

I'm nervous.  My appointment is at 10:10 am, and they said it would take about 2 hours total including them explaining how to care for the braces.

I'm blogging through the iphone app.  I just wanted to record how I'm feeling today so hopefully when these suckers come off, I'll think "how silly that I was so nervous."

The good thing is that I'm married and my husband has assured me that he loves me no matter what.  He thinks I will regret it if I DON'T go through with this.  The other good thing is that I don't work outside of the home right now, so I don't have to worry about how this will affect me professionally.  Basically my kids and hubby are the ones who will have to look at me everyday.  LOL

I think it's just going to be hard to look in the mirror at first!  

Alright I'll update later today or tomorrow about how the appointment goes.

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