Thursday, June 4, 2015

Day 0 - Surgery Day - 6/1/2015

I'm finally feeling up to blogging, so I'll start with surgery day.

I was pretty nervous.  I kept myself so busy with the kids that it didn't sink in until Sunday night.  I was just nervous about the recovery and how shitty I was going to feel when I woke up.

My mom spent the night here to take care of the kids, and Tim took me to the hospital at 6 am.  My surgery time was 8 am, but I had to get all prepped so 6 am was arrival time.  We walked to the surgical suite and checked in.  After about 10 minutes they called me back to prep and holding.  The nurse checked my weight, vital signs, pregnancy test, hemoglobin, etc.  everything checked out.  A friend of mine who is an OR nurse at the hospital came to see me and o told her how nervous I was. She gave me a hug and told me everything would be fine!  It made me feel better that I knew someone who was looking out for me :)

The anesthesiologist came and talked me to and started my IV, then the surgeon and his resident both came and talked to me.  A lot of the same questions over and over. Finally the nurse anesthetist (my BFF) showed up and gave me what she called a "martini" in my IV.  That really took the edge off.  I remember feeling a little tingly and telling the nurses that I felt it working.  They took me to the OR, I saw the lights and all the techs and everything.  They asked me to scoot over from the stretcher to the surgery bed which I was able to do.  Once I had my head positioned they strapped my arms and legs down.  I felt fine and wasn't panicking at all, must have been the martini.

The next thing I knew, I was waking up in the PACU.  I felt my mouth was SO dry.  I said, "mouth is dry."  I asked for a wet sponge or something for my mouth, bs they did give me something.  I was still a little out of it.  After about 10-15 minutes I was feeling awake, so they wheeled me to my room and brought my husband in.

I think he was a little sad when he first saw me because I just looked awful lol.  Dried blood in my nostrils and my mouth.  I felt ok though.  Not a ton of pain because I was numb.

Over the next few hours they gave me tons of IV fluids and tried to get me to drink.  I had some water and ginger ale.  I had so many IV fluids that I had to pee every hour! So I had plenty of practice   out of bed.

I did have three episodes of nausea bs vomiting.  The second was the worst.  I vomited blood from my stomach and then my nose started bleeding.  The nurse called the doctor, then 5 oral surgery residents showed up.  I had gauze taped to my face to catch the blood and just looked like shit overall.

They offered me Zofran IV, so I took it, but it didn't help.  At that point I still hasn't had any pain meds.  They were offering me Dilaudid, which I did not want.  The doc told me he would write in for vicodin and I could just crush it and drink it through the syringe.

I ended up taking the vicodin and like 10 pm, but has to pee every hour from the IV fluids so I couldn't sleep anyways lol.  

Here's a few pics from day 0:

Bite Before:

Bite After:

I'll save the rest for day 1 post op 

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