Saturday, June 6, 2015

Day 4 Post Surgery 6/5/15

Friday was day 4 post op.  I woke up feeling pretty good.  I went downstairs and tim made me some cream of wheat. I hung out with my 2 year old for an hour or so, then felt like I wanted to rest.  Still, I had no pain meds.  The swelling seemed like it has gone down, bruising is not too bad (just yellowish on my cheeks).

My appetite is definitely back.  I was so hungry, all I could think about is food.  I definitely want a cheeseburger and fries as my first meal in 6 weeks lol.  I'm making a list! Last week I wasn't in the mood for anything, but now that I'm starving, I want EVERYTHING! 

I spent a decent part of day 4 out of bed.  I was feeling pretty good.  The numbness is going away, so my face is very tingly.  It's kind of driving me crazy.  Swelling seems about the same.

According to my scale, I've lost about 8 pounds since Monday.  

Here's a photo from day 4:

My nose has been looking crooked and I hope that is because one side of my face is more swollen.  Also, I can close my lips!

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