Sunday, June 7, 2015

Day 6 Post Surgery - 6/7/15

I never did an update for day 5, but it aS mostly same old.

Today was a big day. I got up, showered, dressed, put on some make up!  I took the girls to the park for a little while.  

Later on we went to a family party to celebrate St. Anthony's feast day.  Nothing like a party with a bunch of delicious italian food and desserts that I can't eat 😩.  It was nice to get out of the house, but it was hard trying to communicate.  I don't look great, but I felt ok so I figured why not go.

I ended up bringing home a meatball and lots of extra sauce which I put in the vitamix and ate via oral syringe.  Almost as good as the real thing.

As far as meds, I've been taking only the antibiotic and some Tylenol and sudafed. I'm not in pain.  I do have a lot of sinus pressure/headaches, so I'm trying to just treat that.  My face is still swollen and yellow bruised.  The pins and needles tingly feeling is driving me nuts.  I have to lay a cloth or my hand on my face to make the feeling go away!  I'm mostly ready to just get back to normal, so I hope my swelling goes down a lot this week and the tingly feeling goes away.

Here's a photo from today:

Here's a photo of how I eat (if you can call it that):

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