I got back to my eoom and peed again, even though the nurse had actually DCed my IV fluids at like 5 am. I still had a lot of fluids in me I guess. My breakfast tray was there with orange juice and cream of wheat. They told me to stick with clear liquids since I vomited so much on surgery day, but I felt fine. So, I had the OJ via a syringe, then a few small bites of cream of wheat via oral syringe. It was nice to finally (sort of) eat something.
The doctor (resident) showed up shortly after and told me he send the X-rays to my surgeon. He said they were waiting to hear back from him, but that once they got the "ok," I would be ok to leave.
We didn't hear anything for another two hours, so I was getting anxious. Tim asked the front desk clerk and they must have called my surgeon because about 15 minutes later the nurse came in with my prescriptions and paperwork. She took out my IVs (I had two but she didn't realize because they were near each other so she pretty much ripped the second one out and I bled. She sucked.
They wheeled me to the front door while Tim got the car, and we drove straight home. He dropped me off, and I went up to bed while he went to the pharmacy. I got home around 1:00. He was back by 2:30ish? and he filled everything except they gave me Percocet instead of vicodin. It's a little stronger so I was wanting vicodin, but at that point I was in pain so I didn't care. I took one and it knocked me out. I spent most of the rest of the day sleeping or just laying in bed. I had some chicken broth and some water and juice I think.
Here's a photo from day 1:
Here's tim trying to sleep in the hospital with me:
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